News and current reports

General Meeting

23. 5. 2022

Kofola ČeskoSlovensko a.s. (the “Company”) informs that a General Meeting will be held on 23 June 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the seat of the Company; Nad Porubkou 2278/31a, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba.

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Remuneration report for 2021

23. 5. 2022

Kofola ČeskoSlovensko has published a Remuneration report for 2021.

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Kofola's annual report confirms the very good result of last year with an operating EBITDA of CZK 1.128 billion.

12. 4. 2022

In its annual report this year, the Kofola Group confirmed the very good preliminary results published in February. The Group also successfully coped with a second year significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, with an operating EBITDA of CZK 1.128 billion, which means a year-on-year increase of almost CZK 100 million, exceeding the estimate, which was in the range of CZK 1.080-1.120 billion. This is the first time in history that operating profit has reached this level. Despite significant market constraints, especially in the first half of the year, the Group's sales grew by 7.5% year-on-year to CZK 6.636 billion.

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