Stock information

Share price information

26. 7. 2024 | 302 CZK
See prospects

Basic information

Company Name: Kofola ČeskoSlovensko a.s.
ISIN: CZ0009000121
Prague Stock Exchange: KOFOL
Warsaw Stock Exchange: delisted
Bloomberg: 48K:GR
Reuters: KOFOL.PR
Number of listed shares: 22 291 948
Analysts: Petr Bártek | Česká spořitelna | [email protected]
Jan Raška | FIO banka | [email protected]
Bohumil Trampota | Komerční banka | [email protected]
Pavel Ryska | J&T banka | [email protected]
Address: Nad Porubkou 2278/31a, Ostrava, 708 00
Phone Number: +420 595 601 030
Fax: +420 596 630 277
E-mail: [email protected]

Ownership structure

Share capital of Kofola ČeskoSlovensko a.s. comprises 22 291 948 shares.

AETOS a.s.
14,984,204 shares representing 67.22% share
1,025,239 shares representing 4.60% share
Free float (Other)
6,101,980 shares representing 27.37% share
Free float (Key management)
180,525 shares representing 0.81% share