News and current reports

In the first quarter, the Kofola Group was able to maintain turnover as well as EBITDA. The Group is well prepared for the rest of the year.

14. 5. 2020

In spite of the current situation, the Kofola Group was able to keep both key indicators at the same level as last year – there was only 0.1% decrease in revenues and the EBITDA is actually higher by 0.6%. The Group achieved this excellent result despite all complications caused by measures against the spread of COVID-19 in all countries it operates in, which have strongly affected the whole beverage industry. The management of the Group states that we are well prepared for the upcoming months, even if the economy picks up very slowly.

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Conference call invitation 3M20

7. 5. 2020

Kofola ČeskoSlovensko invites to a teleconference to discuss 3M20 results. The teleconference will be hosted on Friday, 15 May 2020 at 9:30 CET.

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Kofola ČeskoSlovensko has significantly consolidated its position on the Czech market by the purchase of Karlovarská Korunní and Ondrášovka.

15. 4. 2020

On 15th April 2020, Kofola ČeskoSlovensko became a 100% shareholder in the companies Karlovarská Korunní and Ondrášovka, after the transaction was approved by the Office for the Protection of Competition and all other conditions for the takeover were met. Through the purchase of Korunní and Ondrášovka, Kofola ČeskoSlovensko widens its portfolio to include Czech mineral water brands and significantly strengthens its position in the category of packaged waters on the Czech market. With this acquisition, Kofola takes over the distribution network, liabilities, receivables and all employees. Both parties have previously stated that the transaction price will not be disclosed.

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