News and current reports

The Kofola Group increases its year-on-year sales even without last year’s extremely hot summer.

11. 11. 2019

Despite weather conditions not being so favourable, the Kofola Group has successfully increased its sales once again, recording a year-on-year growth of 3.6%. Revenues in the first nine months of this year grew by EUR 6,577 thousand to EUR 190,384 thousand. The EBITDA figure grew by 9.3% in Q3, while it has remained at a similar level year-over-year, growing by 0.5%.

“Along with higher wages and logistic costs, we were challenged with a cooler summer compared to the previous year. Yet, we have still been able to grow, even on the saturated markets of Czechia and Slovakia, with the Adriatic region making a significant contribution. Our Fresh & Herbs segment has been strengthened by the acquisition of the Espresso company. We consider this as a good result,” said the CEO of the Kofola Group, Jannis Samaras, when asked to comment on business results during the first nine months of this year.

The highest increase has been recorded in the Adriatic region, where sales rocketed by a fantastic 9.7% in Q3. It has posted impressive figures in Croatia since the start of the year too. Turnover in this region is traditionally driven by sales of the Radenska mineral water, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, and the CSD drink segment (especially local brands like Ora, Nara, Inka and licensed Pepsi).

Stable growth has been maintained in the CzechoSlovakia region, where sales succeeded in increasing by 1.9% on this highly competitive market during this year’s Q3, compared to last year’s hot summer. EBITDA in the same period grew by 7.1% in comparison with 2018. This was mainly driven by stable sales of Kofola and Rajec spring water, growth in sales of Jupí syrups, products from the Rauch portfolio, and the dynamic growth of Royal Crown Cola. After six months on the Slovakian market, Kláštorná Kalcia achieved excellent results. This brand is constantly increasing its market share and we expect that it will continue to support the CzechoSlovakia business. Moreover, Semtex energy drink has performed very well since its rebranding. The Group is also pleased by its growing share in the HoReCa segment.

In the Fresh & Herbs segment sales have grown year-on-year by almost 10%, which means by EUR 1,766 thousand. This is a result of acquisitions of the LEROS company, producer of tea from medicinal herbs, and the Espresso company, distributor of the Café Reserva coffee blend and Dilmah Ceylon tea on Czech and Slovak markets.

Further information can be found in the section Reports and presentations.